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“We are proud to have cut more than 5 million brilliants in perfect cut quality over the last 25 years.
5 million brilliants flash every day somewhere in the world, with a shine that is a little different from the usual.”


The diamond cutting company Michael Bonke is currently the only German company that cuts diamonds on a large scale in its own production facility. With over 40 years of experience and expertise, we cut gemstones with absolute perfection and precision.

On the Bay of Bengal, 130 km south of Chennai, lies the idyllic colonial city of Pondicherry. In the middle of this city, somewhat secluded, lie the factory halls of the Michael Bonke diamond cutting company under palm trees.

It all began in January 1980 with a handshake deal in Zurich, where a small diamond-cutting factory in southern India changed hands. The deal included two abandoned grinders, a couple of sanding pliers, dops and other small equipment that were rusting away in pondicherry, India.

The buyer was less a businessman and more an adventurer from the Bavarian Forest, whose great love was philosophy and whose traces led him to India. The abandoned grinding mill was only meant as an entry point to the exit, as a means of survival in the distance.

It all turned out differently: 15 years later, the two cutting machines had become more than 100 and the cutting workshop, which had once been written off, was now producing more than 1000 diamonds a day.

The cutting of diamonds as the root of our company, our business areas have expanded over the years. This includes the production of jewellery, the manufacture of gold mosaics and, above all, the business with pearls.

Das Diamantschleifunternehmen Michael Bonke ist derzeit das einzige deutsche Unternehmen, das Diamanten im großen Stil in einer eigenen Produktionsstätte schleift. Mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung und Fachwissen schleifen wir Edelsteine mit absoluter Perfektion und Präzision.

On the Bay of Bengal, 130 km south of Chennai, lies the idyllic colonial city of Pondicherry. In the middle of this city, somewhat secluded, lie the factory halls of the Michael Bonke diamond cutting company under palm trees.

It all began in January 1980 with a handshake deal in Zurich, where a small diamond-cutting factory in southern India changed hands. The deal included two abandoned grinders, a couple of sanding pliers, dops and other small equipment that were rusting away in pondicherry, India.

The buyer was less a businessman and more an adventurer from the Bavarian Forest, whose great love was philosophy and whose traces led him to India. The abandoned grinding mill was only meant as an entry point to the exit, as a means of survival in the distance.

It all turned out differently: 15 years later, the two cutting machines had become more than 100 and the cutting workshop, which had once been written off, was now producing more than 1000 diamonds a day.

The cutting of diamonds as the root of our company, our business areas have expanded over the years. This includes the production of jewellery, the manufacture of gold mosaics and, above all, the business with pearls.

Diamantschleiferei Michael Bonke Pondicherry
Diamantschleiferei Michael Bonke Pondicherry
Diamantschleiferei Michael Bonke Fabrikhallen
a diamond is created …


From Pondicherry, 8km away, is probably the most extraordinary social experiment of all: Auroville. A futuristic international city with completely new ideas and structures.

The Matrimandir is the central building of Auroville and the largest completely gilded building in the world.

Being only 3 km from the coast of the Bay of Bengal and exposed to cyclonic conditions, South India is directly exposed to the sun, heat, very humid monsoons and salty air in the hot summer. The building’s surface, covered in 34k gold, withstands all this and has shaped the appearance and dynamism of Auroville ever since.

Gold in Glass Matrimandir-Entrance
Gold in Glass Matrimandir-birds